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Information about tyres

What is the correct tire size for my vehicle?

To choose the right tyres for your vehicle you need to know the correct dimensions about them. You can check the manual of the vehicle's producer or your registration certificate. Also you can look the sidewall of tyres fit on your vehicle at the moment.

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185 - this is the normal width of the tyre in mm

55 - profile - it's not a height in mm, but percent ratio of the width, it should be choosen precise

R - for Radial tyre, all passenger tyres at the present moment are radial

15 - size of the Rim diameter in inches

81 - Load index - how many weight can carry one tyre, it defines by table, in this case 81 means 462kg

H - Speed index - what is the maximum speed you can drive this tyre, here H means 210km/h

Load and Speed indexes

On the sidewall of the tyre, next to size stay 2(3) digits and a letter (for example 91V). These are Load index and Speed index.

Load index - refers to the load-carrying capacity of a tyre, or how much weight a tyre can support. For example 91 response to 615kg support for each tyre at maximum air pressure.

Check well the load index according to producer's recommendation and weight of the vehicle.

You can find detailed chart with most common load indexes for passenger and off-road cars and vans here

Speed index - the maximum speed which your tyre is capable of maintaining. It is always represented by a letter (in the example above - V). In this case the letter V means 240km/h

Check well the speed index according to potential of the vehicle and your driving stile.

Here are the most popular speed indexes:

M - 130km/h Q - 160km/h T - 190km/h V - 240km/h
N - 140km/h R - 170km/h U - 200km/h W - 270km/h
P - 150km/h S - 280km/h H - 210km/h Y - 300km/h

Z speed index appears for tyres with speed limits over the maximum. For example when the size of the tyre is 285/35ZR19 (99Y) and 99Y is in brackets this tyre could be drive with more than 300km/h

EU Tire Label Description

In November 2012 a standart label for vehicle tyres was introduced in EU. Based on three criteria it gives information about fuel efficiency, wet grip rating and noice levels.

Fuel efficiency  - This label shows you how a tyre performs on fuel consumption - fuel efficiency is graded from A to G (rating D is not used for passenger cars). The difference between an A rating and a G rating could mean a reduction in fuel consumption of up to 7.5%. To put this in real terms, choosing A-rated tyres instead of G-rated tyres could save you more than 6 litres of fuel every 1,000 kilometres (based on an average consumption of 8 litres/100km)

Wet grip - This label shows how well a tyre brakes in wet conditions. Graded from A to G (ratings D and G are not used for passenger cars). In an emergency situation, a few metres can make all the difference. For a passenger car applying full brakes from 50mph, a set of A-rated tyres will brake up to 18 metres shorter than a set of F-rated tyres (braking distances may vary according to driving conditions and other influencing factors)

Noice - This label shows you the noise level in decibels of a tyre. The tyre is categorised in 3 classes illustrated by 3 waves: 1 black wave - Quiet (3dB or more below the European limit), 2 black waves - Moderate (between the European limit and 3dB below) and 3 black waves - Noisy (above the European limit)


Medina Med Ltd. declares and emphasizes that the actual fuel efficiency and road safety driving depends generally from the driver's behavior and more specifically:

  • environmentally friendly driving can reduce sensibly the fuel consumption;
  • tyre's pressure should be checked regularly regarding the improvement of the traction on a wet road, as well as the fuel efficiencý;
  • braking distance must always be observed.


More information can be obtained from the European Commission's website:





  • Under the new regulation, bus and truck tyres will also be covered (it now covers tyre classes C1, C2, C3).
  • Additional information (tyre type identifier = art. no.).
  • In addition to the standard label values, there are additional icons relating to severe snow conditions (3PMSF) and/or grip in icy conditions (for C1 tyres only).
  • Noise classes: ABC replace sound waves.
  • Reclassification for lower label classes:
    D is the new E; Class D no longer empty (for C1 & C2 tyres only); F and G merge to form E.
  • QR code for each tyre type identifier with link to EU product database (EPREL).

The new Product Information Sheet (PIS) is generated in the EPREL database, based on the information -suppliers have reported:

It includes:

  • Information shown on the EU label in tabular form
  • Date of start of production
  • Date of end of production (will be added by manufacturer, when known)

More information:


Explanation of Special marks

Right next to the size and load an speed index some tyres have other marks with additional information: 

    XL (RF) - eXtra Load (or ReinForced) - tyre that allows higher pressure than a normal one for the same size. For example you can have size 205/55R16 91W or 205/55R16 94W XL. In first case that tyre can carry 615kg while the second one - 670kg.

Run-flat - tyre which allows you to continue driving in case of low pressure as a result of perforation or other issue. To ensure the safety in that kind of situation, the Run-flat tyre must maintain certain speed and distance parameters - max 80km/h for 80km.

The different companies use different marks about the run-flat technology - RFT or EXT for Bridgestone, SSR is used by Continental, ROF for Dunlop and Goodyear and ZP used by Michelin.

M+S - mud and snow - this mark is commonly found on all-season tires, with self-cleaning tread and average traction in muddy or snowy conditions. Still it doesn't means tyre with such a mark is a winter tyre. All winter tyres carry this mark, but the reverse is not true. The mark M+S is the result of autonomous classification by manufacturers. It can also be found on summer off-road and all terrain tyres.

FR (MFS, FP, FSL) - flange rim protection - it's additional layer of rubber on the sidewall of the tyre made to protect the rim from damaged contact with the curb. Usually tyres with height ratio under 55 have this rim protector, but it's not obligatory. It's possible one tyre model to have variants with or without rim protector on the same size.

Other special marks, which can give you more information about the tyre are:

BSL - Black Serrated Letters

BSW - Black SideWall

OWL - Outline White Lettering

ORWL - Outlined Raised White Lettering

RBL - Recessed Black Lettering

RWL - Raised White Lettering

TL - TubeLess tyre

TT - Tube-Type, tire must be used with an inner-tube

outside (exterior, side facing outwards) - for asymmetrical tyres, indicate how tyre should be mounted

arrows - for tyres with direction, shows direction of rotation

OE / Original Equipment

Original Equipment tyres, also known as OEM tires or OE tyres, are tyres which are mounted on a new vehicle at the time of its purchase. The vehicle manufacturer selects these for optimized performance based on the characteristics of the vehicle.

Tyre producers use special OE marks for the different car brands:

* - BMW

AO, AOE - Audi

"B" in a circle, B, B1, BL  - Bentley

C1 - Chrysler

F, K-1, K-2 - Ferrari

H-0, H-1 - Honda

H - Hyundai

J, "J" in a circle - Jaguar

LTS - Lotus

MGT - Maserati

MC, MC1 - McLaren

MO - Mercedes

MOE - Mercedes Extended runflat

N0...N6 - Porsche

R01, R02 - Audi Quattro

VW - Volkswagen

DOT Information

DOT code (coming from Department of Transportation) is a mark on the tyre, which contains specific information about, amongst other things, where and when the tyre was manufactured. For the end user the most important part of this code is the date of production.

They are four digits (for example 4415) as first two refers to the week of production and the second two - the year. In this case 4415 means - 44th week of year 2015

Produce year of the tyre is NOT bound to the ageing of the rubber, neither to the expiration date!

!!! All of the biggest manufactorers as Bridgestone, Continental, Dunlop and Goodyear, Michelin and Pirelli guarantee for the quality of the tyres for a period of at least 5 years from the date of proudce, when they are preserved in optimum storage conditions (temperature, humidity, position etc.) !!!

Tyre is a product with simple look, but it has complex features. This is a product which should resist to extreme conditions and provide safety. It has, as any other product, some define lifetime. This lifetime usually depend on few factors. Except the typical qualities of the product, conditions of use, speed, load and the climate also influence to the lifetime of the tyre.

Steps in making an order

To make an online order in the Medina Med webshop you need to follow some few easy steps:

1. Searching tyres

On the start page of the webshop there is as search engine, which you can use to get to the wanted product:

  • Field "Search by size" - here you can choose from the boxes the specific size of the tyres and also brand, season etc. (tyres size you can check on the already mounted tyres on your vehicle or in the manual)
  • Field "Search by vehicle" - if you don't know your tyre size or you have a doubt, you can check what is the recommendation of the car producer (here should be filled information as brand and model of the vehicle, year, engine)


2. Choosing tyres

After clicking the button "Search" you'll be guided to the list with tyres by chosen criteria

  • filters - on the left of the screen you can see different filters, which you can use to navigate your search more detailed
  • tyres list - you can order tyres list by several indicators, to check the detailed view of the tyre or if you made your choice already to put the selected tyre in the shopping cart


3. Shopping cart

This is actually frist step in creating an online order. Here you can choose tyres quantities, to see the total amount of the order, to add or remove some items in the shopping cart

4. Billing and delivery address

In this next step you should fill your personal data about the invoicing and delivery

  • Billing address - regardless of your choice - personal or company's invoice you want, you should fill all the fields marked with *
  • Delivery address - by default we accept that delivery address is same as the billing address. In case they are different you should change the tick and fill all the new information about the delivery address


5. Payment methods

In purpose to offet to its clients best service, Medina Med allows you to use most popular payment methods in Bulgaria:

  • pay on delivery
  • bank transfer
  • debit or credit card
  • Leasing with PB Personal Finances or Unicredit Consumer Financing


6. Order confirmation

On this final screen you can see all your details by the order systematized - choosen items, total amount, personal data. To finalize your request you should put the tick on "I agree with Terms and Conditions" and to push the button "Confirm order"

Payment methods

All prices published on the pages of the Store of Medina Med Ltd. are indicated in Bulgarian levs (BGN) and include VAT in the amount of 20% according to the Bulgarian legislation (gross prices).

Payment of the goods could be done from the client by several ways.

Before handing over the goods:

  • Bank transfer: after an order with payment method Bank transfer client will receive an email with a created pro-forma invoice. In this case the webshop should wait to see the transfer in his bank account first and then to start executing the order, which could increase the executing time
  • Debit or Credit card:  In this case when you finish your order, you will be redirected to the webpage of Borika for making the payment. In case you are using 3-D Security for secure online payments - please follow the instruction on the page for successful payment
  • Payment method - leasing with "PB Personal Finances": In this type of payment you'll be contacted by an employee from PB Personal Finances, to discuss with you your leasing request. If the request is accepted you should sign a contract with PB Personal Finances (sent and returned by a courier). When the contract is signed, PB Personal Finances will notify the webshop and order will be executed


On the moment of hanging over the goods:

  • Pay on delivery:  In this payment method customer pays on the courier, when he visits him with the goods. A proof for made payment is the signed from the client waybill, created by the courier.


In cases when client is searching an unusual goods, or goods with special delivery, the webshop can demand a prepayment from the client in amount of 30% from the price, with created pro-forma invoice.

Example: When the webshop orders specific tyres, which are not available in the company's warehouses directly from the producer, client should prepay 30% in advance this order to be started.

The webshop could negotiate some other specific conditions and payment methods.

Payment with PB Personal Finances

PB Personal Finances:

  • Leader in giving a credit to consumers for Bulgaria and Europe
  • Part of Eurobank Bulgaria sole-owned JSC - one of the most reliable bank institutions in Bulgaria
  • Responsible creditor


Commercial credit PB Personal Finances is:

Available and innovative

  • Immediately in the shop
  • by the phone from the office or home
  • via internet, with a delivery to chosen place



  • Clear conditions
  • Fixed interest and unchanged installment



  • Personal attention and financial advice for the choice of the credit
  • Personal advices in all period of payment
  • Special offers for loyal clients


Credit parameters:

  • Credit amount from 150 lv to 10 000 lv.
  • Payment period from 3 to 48 months
  • Approval only with ID
  • Without a warrantor
  • Option to choose an initial installment
  • Gratis period from 15 to 45 days
  • for all private persons over 18 years


Repayment convenience

  • Free on Cashterminal - in the whole country
  • Free via ePay: www.epay.bg
  • On ATM via service B-pay
  • In EasyPay office - in the whole country
  • Bank transfer


instalments are monthly, before the payment date

Immediate approval

  • Choose goods from the store or online shop
  • Contact our agent in the store or follow the steps for online shopping with on credit
  • Wait for approval
  • Sign the contract
  • Take the chosen goods immediately from the store or order a delivery in the online shop


More info about the JetCredit: www.pbpf.bg; phone: 0700 11 811

Return Policy
Withdraws rights
Every client has right to withdraw the purchased goods and according to the Customer protected law, article 50 he can return them in 14 days period from the receiving.
Customer should pay the back transport costs. Back transport prices of Speedy AD are:
 - for passenger tyres, for vans and SUV/4x4 tyres 6.60 incl. VAT for 1pc of tyre.
To use your withdraw rights you should fill up this form before 14 days period to be over and to send it on:
  • email address: eshop@medina-med.com
  • fax number: +359 2 856 52 03
  • by post to the address: 6000 Stara Zagora, str. Hrishtensko shose 8


You can return all package or only part of it. There is no need to declare the reason of the return, but we'll ask you to do it with few words in purpose of improving our service quality.

For your facility’s sake we'll arange the pickup of the returned goods. Refund of the amount for the returned goods you'll receive till 14 days of receiving the goods in our warehouse. Money will be refunded by the bank account you have to be written in the return form.

There are two exceptions, when the Withdraws right is not acceptable:

  • when these are goods, delivered by specific requirements of the client. This includes all orders, made for individual inquiries of the clients, where small quantities (2 or 4pcs) are ordered directly to the producer and for them was organized special transport
  • when customer is a legal entity, i.e. he's not a consumer by article 13, paragraph 1 from the Law on Consumer Protection.
Warranty and claim conditions

In Medina Med webshop we give you same guarantee terms as in the ordinary shop!

Medina Med Ltd. is only dealer, not producer of the products. This guarantee is represented by the producer and it is at his expense. The guarantee period is 24 months from purchase the goods.

Customers have rights to set a claim independant of this guarantee according the Customer protected law, article 112-115.

Base of start a claim procedure is the proof of the purchase, which is the document - invoice. In case of a claim, customer should contact to the webshop via:


After sending this info, customer should contact to an operator on the phone +359 700 20 707 to settle a visit from the courier, who will transport the claimed tyre/s to some of the warehouses of Medina Med Ltd.

Guarantee period is 24 months from the date of purchase, but not longer than moment when is visible the indicator for wearing out of the tread (TWI). This guarantee covers only fabric defects.

One side or part worn out tyre till value of TWI is accepted as completely worn out and cannot be claimed!

This guarantee doesn't cover defects, caused by:

  • mechanical damage (pentration, cutting)
  • irregular exploatation
  • irregular mounting
  • poor technical condition of the vehicle at all


The period for checking the claim is 30 days from the date when tyre had been picked up. Claim will be accepted in any case it was found that there is a fabric defect occurred. In case of accepted claim customer will receive a new goods or financial compensation in the amount of price paid for the claimed goods.

Medina Med Ltd. is not responsible for any lost of time, or occurred inconveniences caused by the unusable vehicle, as any other damages in result of the claim procedure.

Here you can download the Guarantee card (on Bulgarian language)


Always check your packages. Whatch out carefully what was delivered from the courier. In case of damaged package, customer should contact immediatelly with an operator of the webshop to set a return or exchange of the damaged goods.

Personal data protection

GDPR Directive

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